Drake Offers To Talk Down Suicidal Man Ready To Jump Off Bridge

According to Manchester Evening News, Drake offered to help talk down a suicidal man who was threatening to jump off of a bridge around 5:40am on Saturday (Feb. 11). 

After performing at the Manchester Arena in England, the rapper's tour bus was leaving the area when many roads leading up to the bridge became blocked. Authorities stopped traffic from coming that way, so they could try to speak to the suicidal man. 

When Drake found out what the reasoning behind his bus's delay was, he offered his assistance. “One officer was approached by a male from a tour van caught up in the traffic congestion, claiming to be part of Drake’s entourage," the news outlet said. “He offered for Drake to speak to the male on the bridge, if that would help. The offer was declined with thanks.”

Eventually, the man was rescued about an hour later and taken to the hospital for evaluation. Good for Drake for trying to lend a helping hand to a complete stranger in need.

Photo: Getty Images

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